
Layer in MapDrafts is used to customize the visual representation of shapes within the dataset.

Depending on the layer type, each layer has different options available for customization. The following options must be available on the polygon/polyline layer.

  1. Basic style operation
  2. Enable/disable hover style
  3. Conditional grouping
  4. Information setup.
  5. Change hover style

With basic style operation, you can change the

  • Stroke-colour: hex colour code to use as border colour of the shape
  • Thickness: number to represent the border width
  • Fill-colour: hex colour code to use as the fill colour of the shape (only available for polygon)
  • Opacity: number to represent the transparency of the shape

Steps to change the basic style for a polygon layer

  • Create/Select the custom map project.
  • Go to the data page.
  • Edit shape style tile.
  • Change colour setting.
  • Apply changes

Steps to change hover style for a polygon layer

  • Create/Select the custom map project.
  • Go to the data page.
  • Edit hover style tile.
  • Change colour setting.
  • Apply changes

With conditional grouping, you can create multiple sets of groups. For each group, you can have different basic/hover styles.

Information setup mainly used to configure information to display for a shape in a

  1. Pop up window when user click on a shape
  2. Side panel list view
  3. Side panel location view

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